As we get deeper into this process, we're realizing that we'll come out of this with more debt that initially thought. (Turns out Ethiopia isn't offering a "recession discount"...just kidding. But, really, they aren't.) After talking it all over with our caseworker, we've made the decision to wait until the summer to send our paperwork over. We realize it's only a few months, but it's still a few more months.
Someone I consider to be very wise told me that it's not about God saying "yes" or "no" to decisions we make in life, rather it's about us honoring Him with the decisions we make. It was a good reminder for me in all of this!
In the meantime, we're absolutely loving hanging out with Graham. Each day brings out a new dimension of his personality... he now tells us that a dog says "woof" and every circular object that exists is excitedly referred to as a ball. He's amazing.